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Governing Body

The Government of Meghalaya has constituted the Governing Body as a decision-making body to manage the affairs of ETC. The Governing Body duly notified by the Government of Meghalaya is composed of the following members:

Governing Body
1 Deputy Commissioner, Ri Bhoi District, Nongpoh Chairman
2. Director, Community and Rural Development Department Member
3. Director, State Institute of Rural Development Member
4. Project Director, DRDA, Ri Bhoi, Nongpoh Member
5. SLO, NIRD, Hyderabad Member
6. One Representative of reputed NGO involved in grassroots level development to be nominated by Government of Meghalaya Member
7. District Officer, Agriculture, Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
8. District Officer, Horticulture Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
9. District Officer, Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
10. District Officer, Sericulture and Weaving Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
11. District Officer, Industries Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
12. District Officer, PWD Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
13. District PHED, Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
14. District Officer, Cooperation, Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
15. District Officer, Social Welfare, Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
16. District Soil and Water Conservation, Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
17. District Officer, Forest, Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
18. District Officer Fisheries, Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
19. District Officer, Health Services, Nongpoh, Ri Bhoi Member
20. Principal, ETC, Nongsder, Ri Bhoi Member Secretary

Managing Committee

For the purpose of managing the day to day functioning of the ETC, the Government of Meghalaya constituted the Managing Committee which is responsible and answerable to the Governing Body. The Managing Committee is consisted of the following members :

Managing Committee
1. Deputy Commissioner, Ri Bhoi District, Nongpoh Chairman
2. Director, Community and Rural Development Department Member
3. Director, State Institute of Rural Development Member
4. Representative of Personnel Department, Meghalaya Member
5. Project Director, DRDA, Ri Bhoi, Nongpoh Member
6. One Representative of reputed NGO involved in grassroots level development to be nominated by Government of Meghalaya Member
7. Financial Adviser, Community and Rural Development, Government of Meghalaya Member
8. Principal, ETC, Nongsder, Ri Bhoi Member Secretary