1. National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD)
ETC, Nongsder in collaboration with NIRD, Hyderabad and MoRD has conducted trainings on programmes like IAY and SGSY. The trainings followed the modules prescribed by NIRD, Hyderabad. All these training programmes are being sponsored by NIRD and MoRD.
2. State Council of Science, Technology & Environment (SCSTE)
The Extension Training Centre (ETC), Nongsder in collaboration with SCSTE conducted specific rural development programmes related to IAY. The ETC also organized exposure trips for the SHG members to SCSTE for the identification of low cost technology opportunities for the SHGs and for experiencing hands-on exercises on low cost technology.
3. Ri-Bhoi Area Welfare Association (RAWA)
RAWA is a non-profit making organization, working hand in hand with the villagers, village headman, individual person interested in social work, different NGOs, Government Departments and other agencies for the welfare of the poor, the destitute, the needy and the distress people or broadly speaking for the community in general. It is operating in the District of Ri Bhoi covering the whole district, with its Head Office at Umsning Patarim, Ri Bhoi District. The ETC, Nongsder has conducted a series of programmes in cooperation with RAWA on programmes like SGSY and Book Keeping.
4. Nongstoin Social Service Society (NSSS)
NSSS is a charitable NGO which operates in almost all parts of West Khasi Hills District. ETC has conducted a series of training programmes on Book Keeping and SGSY for the SHGs formed and nurtured by NSSS. The trainings were both theoretically and practically oriented so that the record management by SHGs are kept accurately and without errors.
5. Food & Nutrition Board, Shillong
The ETC, Nongsder has conducted training on skills upgradation for members of SHGs in collaboration with Food & Nutrition Board, Shillong. The training focused on the techniques of food processing particularly for the preparation of food items like jam, sauce, pickles, etc. The training has helped them to learn new skills in their own trade and also enable them to learn about the importance of trademarks such as AGMARK, etc. for promoting the sales of their food items. The training motivates the trainees to take up income generation activities in food processing. As a whole the training was successful since more such trainings have been demanded by the members of SHGs.
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